Pink = Business Color? Yes, indeed!

Every morning the same question: which shirt today?
Pattern or color?

Black – it’s cool, it’s agency but also to much designer attitude.
Brown? Yes, it’s warm. Works often.
Wine-red? Not these days.
Blue? Yes, it’ll work. Cool business. Banker style. Hanseatic way.
White? Classic. No mistake. And no statement at all.

BUT: Pink is the right answer. Perhaps it depends on increasing age, but pink is it! Pink means: i like color, il like classic style, i’m engaging & committed. I’m also a bit courageous, because pink is also for little princesses and …, well …, you know. Attention, cliché-alert.
Conclusion: Real business style is pink! No doubt.

You need some conclusive evidences?

No, problem. Here we go.

First one: a small choice of pink business shirts:


Second: business set for long lasting meetings or conferences:


Third one: Tiny sweet box and business night lecture:


Last pink business item: milk pot for hand made day starting cappuccino.


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